Category Archives: mango

i’m not sure what to think of this…

we have a border collie, lucy, who is obsessed with things. when we first got her, she obsessed about the cats, who were not amused. then, when we got stanley, she obsessed about stanley and forgot about the cats. then we got mango and it was as though stanley never existed…

mango has started staying at monique’s work over night, to cut down on the amount of travelling he has to do – and he was intended to be the “clinic bird” anyway – but lucy still obsesses about where mango used to be…

it has been 8 days now, and she’s still obsessing about mango’s empty cage…lucy and not-mango
if it’s possible, she’s obsessing more since he’s been staying at work…😮

introducing mango

introducing mango
mango is a 16-year-old sun conure that came to live with us today… he likes my beard, but he’s extremely noisy when things don’t go the way he expects they should, and he bites… fortunately not as hard as stanley (who has drawn blood on more than one occasion), but he’s still a little disoriented, having just arrived this afternoon…