this is the latest incarnation of Operation Mindfuck:

imagine you’re walking down the street in downtown seattle, pushing a baby carriage and probably thinking about going shopping at the pike place market. as you are crossing the street you encounter a strange guy going the other direction, who hands you this tiny envelope and then walks off…
THIS is Operation Mindfuck… 👿
within the next week or so, i AM going to manifest a typewriter, which i intend to use to write cryptic messages on the outside of the envelopes.

okay, this is probably supposed to say “crip”, but it’s my impression that it says “chirp”… woo… i’m really afraid of the illiterate gang-member-wannabe who imitates birds that lives in this remote “suburban” neighbourhood… woo… 😐

this is a picture of a sign. the sign is a picture of the front half of a car towing away the back half of the car, right?
thought so…

Ebeneezer Q. Squeezer The Second — The Apprentice Holy Snake

Frank Zappa enjoys a puddle of sunlight