now that i am not so reliant on spamcop, i’ve bumped up my spam-fighting in some other ways that are proving to be rather interesting. the most recent item in this ongoing battle is that i have installed a plugin that limits login attempts for people whom i have not granted credentials to login. basically you get two attempts, and if your guesses are wrong, you are blocked from accessing the blog for an hour. at that point, you have two more tries, and if you fail those, you’re locked out for 2 days…
i figured that this wouldn’t be a problem for people who actually know the password, and it would be another major roadblock for people who think they can guess it (hint: don’t even bother).
i installed the plugin two days ago, and i’ve already gotten four five IP addresses that have been blocked for 2 days… it’s actually kind of amusing to watch — i get an email every time someone fails to login, so i get to watch as they try and fail and get blocked… 👿
and, to be honest, i am not sure that 2 days is long enough… i think i’ll wait and see, but i’m thinking that 30 days is more like what i am trying to achieve here… 👿