فنان أمريكي يدعم تجربة زنقة 124 برسمه جدارية بألوان “جبالة”

it’s called “depression art” because i make it when i’m depressed, and, despite the fact that i’ve made 40 completely unique buttons and have the potential for making, literally, hundreds more, i haven’t been able to sell any of them, despite the fact that i’ve advertised them on at least three different communities on farcebook where i thought they were going to sell like they were going out of style…
which is depressing.
so i got another 2,500 spam messages starting this morning, but i FINALLY figured out where the settings are on my server that let me do things like filter spam that all has the same subject line, but different senders, and how to block all messages that have a sender from a certain IP-address-range, or from a certain country…
no help from my host provider, naturally… i’m seriously getting the impression that, despite the fact that they’re home office is in great britain, they hire people from india, russia or south america to do tech support, and english is NOT their primary language… and if i have more than one question per response, they only answer the last one, and totally ignore all of the others. it took me four days and a great deal of consternation to get them to delist my IP address from hotmail, which is something, if i were to do it myself, would take about half an hour. 😒
i am digging my way out from under an inundation of spam messages which arrived between around 1:00 am and around 4:00 pm yesterday. all told there were around 10,000 messages, but they were arriving in 10 to 12 message batches, about 500 every five minutes or so, and only started to decrease around 3:30.
but, at the same time, i sent two LARTs to the spammer’s upstream provider, yesterday, and today i got confirmation(!) that they had disabled their Luser’s email capabilities. i realise that they may just be blowing me off, and the gap will very quickly be filled with another spammer, but it’s good to know that my mallet is still quick and strong… 😎
so, i got Roxy, The Movie on DVD for xmas. i finally got around to watching it this afternoon. during the last song, The Bebop Tango, i recognised this audience member, erstwhile named “Carl”…
this is the person i now know as Thaddeus, a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago (8, 9, 10 December, 1973). here’s the whole performance:
i took this with my cell phone and a clip-on macro lens… it’s not exactly in focus because it has a really narrow field where the focus is absolutely spot-on, and it changes pretty dramatically when you breathe, or move slightly, or that sort of thing… but considering that it’s a hand-held device with no way to fine-tune the focus, i’d say that it’s a pretty good picture over all… 😉
Wil Wheaton College