moisture festival ?

4 fewer shares than 2 years ago.

½ as many dollars as 2 years ago.


according to the producers:

None of us producing this annual event ever wants to reduce the share amounts, in fact, we have done our best to try to increase the amount we pay you and some years we have been fortunate to be able to pay more for shares.

yeah, right…

2018, 11 shares, $330 – $30 per share
2017, ?? shares, $480
2016, 15 shares, $600 – $45 per share
2013, 14 shares, $490 – $35 per share
2012, 16 shares, $720 – $45 per share
2011, 14 shares…

but, once again, according to the producers:

Please don’t approach this as a paid gig or a money making booking because there is no financial guarantee… You are likely to get a token amount of money, but it will be more of an honorarium than a fee

at one time, not too many years ago, the moisture festival was the single highest paying gig i had all year. 😕

bleh – Friday, 130517
on the other hand… – Friday, 120511