you remember the neighbour lady i creeped out back in march?
🎵 she’s ba-ack… 🎶

today, i was walking up the street, minding my own business, when i heard the distinct sound of someone trying to be sneaky, and failing miserably, behind me on the other side of the street. i turned around, and saw a very frightened looking lady in a blue dress, with a cell phone; i couldn’t tell whether she was using it to call 911, or as a camera, to document the dangerous terrorist in the black burnous that was walking through her neighbourhood. then i walked behind a commercial vehicle that was parked by the side of the road, and when i emerged on the other side, the lady was nowhere to be seen.
i can just imagine what she must have said to the 911 operator. i can also imagine several ways the 911 operator may have responded to her… 😕
it’s going to creep her out even more when my hat is finished. 😈