i’ve never seen the movie “Soylent Green” (although i have read the book on which it was “loosely based”, called Make Room! Make Room!), but i’ve heard all the quotes, and seen a bunch of youtube excerpts…
so, when they first came out with a product called “soylent”, i was skeptical, to say the least.
but then, i had occasion to start drinking a “protein shake” on a regular basis, and i discovered that, while ALL the others had “sugar” as one of their first five ingredients, soylent contains NO sugar… yes, it has other sweeteners, but they are not within the first five ingredients.
and it tastes good.
then, they came out with soylent mint and chocolate, in a green bottle… “soylent green”…
i’m sure some executive, in some penthouse office somewhere, is chortling with evil glee at that one. 😼
and it tastes FANTASTIC!
seriously, i could get addicted to this stuff!

i realise it’s got a name that gives you nightmares, but it’s really good! you should try it… in part, BECAUSE of the fact that it’s name gives you nightmares! 😎👍