2024 cannabis update #1

all four plants have sprouted and are growing!

240415 plant 1 - cotyledons
240415 plant 1 – cotyledons
240416 plant 1 -cotyledons
240416 plant 1 -cotyledons
240415 plant 2
240415 plant 2
240416 plant 2 -the beginnings of cotyledons
240416 plant 2 -the beginnings of cotyledons
240415 plant 3 - cotyledons
240415 plant 3 – cotyledons
240416 plant 3 - cotyledons
240416 plant 3 – cotyledons
240415 plant 4
240415 plant 4
240416 plant 4 - the beginnings of cotyledons
240416 plant 4 – the beginnings of cotyledons