it’s slowly coming together: i actually put together the turntable and ripped the stack of albums i had been collecting for the past few years, and i have shipped out two incense orders, WITHOUT having to re-arrange stuff, or unplug stuff… and i discovered that my linux box, indeed, DOES HAVE a WIFI adaptor, which means that i can plug the printer into the mac more-or-less permanently and not have to switch the cable when i want to print from the linux box…
i’ve still got a mixer in a box, and a huge pile of cables, which will, ultimately, hook the synth and the piano to the mixer, and the mixer to the amplifier, and i’ve still got a box for the turntable which i have to decide where to store, but those are both lower priority, now that i’ve got the main part of the office straightened out.

in other news, i replaced two strands of rainbow lights on the outside of our house, because the old ones were burned out, or burning out, and while i was messing around with ladders, i decided that it would be a good idea to clean out the gutters, since the weather was nice. i didn’t clean ALL the gutters, because there are a few of them that are too high for me to reach, comfortably, with the ladders i have. the new strand of lights is a good deal less dense than the old ones were (fewer lights per foot 😒) but they were the only ones i could find that are JUST rainbow coloured lights, without colour-changing, remotes for choosing the colours or flashing patterns, or a “controller app” for a phone, so i suppose they’ll have to do… despite the fact that the instructions clearly state “this seasonal use product is not intended for permanent installation or use.” and “do not use seasonal products outdoors”… despite the fact that these are clearly labeled for outdoor use… 🙄