“friday the 13th” has never been a particularly “unlucky” day for me…
until today. 😒
today, before i even woke up, moe was asking me to take kestrel outside to pee, because she (moe) wasn’t feeling well. apparently, when i was outside with the dog, moe’s “not feeling well” included a bout of diarrhea, and she was in the shower when i came back inside. i ended up taking rye outside, as well, while moe was “preoccupied” in the bathroom. eventually, moe felt a little better, and put the two younger dogs in her car, so that they could go chase sheep around for a few hours, but, then, it turned out that moe had left the dome light in her car on overnight, and drained the battery… which, usually, wouldn’t be a problem, because we have a battery-charger/tire-inflator gadget (which we used extensively, during the recent wind storm), that will jump-start the car… except that we loaned the gadget to a neighbour. so, moe called the neighbour, and got the gadget back, but it’s totally drained (because the neighbour used it to inflate all four tires and jump-start his mother-in-law’s car), so moe plugged in the gadget, but, being completely drained means that it’s going to take a few hours for it to recharge, so she decided to jump start her car with the pickup… which means hooking up the pickup (because it, too, has a battery that runs down for no very obvious reasons), and jockeying it around so that we can hook up the jumper cables… and, while she was hooking up the jumper cables, the positive wire on the pickup battery came loose, which meant hooking it back up while being careful not to touch the wire, to avoid getting shocked… and then, when moe’s car was running, i was backing the pickup into its normal parking spot, but, because of the fact that i was wearing my reading glasses (and not my “seeing” glasses), i was a little too entergetic with the backing part, and backed into the trailer… and then, when i was DISCONNECTING the pickup, the wire came loose AGAIN and then the tool, which i was using to tighten the wire to the post to which it is affixed, fell apart and i only just barely caught the loose part before it fell down inside the engine compartment…
i mentioned to moe that it might be in our best interests to engage an “au pair” for the dogs, since her not feeling well put me in a state of panic. i’m not sure how she feels about it, but it’s out there.
and that’s not to mention the fact that, in the past 4 days, i have received FIVE “monthly” orders of soylent (normally, 24 bottles), which i have been disputing ever since the second one arrived, but, because of the fact that i’m apparently discussing it over email, with a “large language model artificial stupidity” program (😒), i haven’t been able to solve the issue, or get them to acknowledge that there IS an issue, or issue me a refund for the orders i DID NOT MAKE, or cease the soylent deliveries… and that’s not to mention the fact that i have LITERALLY NO WHERE TO STORE that much soylent. 😒