piling it on thick and fast… 😒

the other day i noticed that my web site wasn’t responding. i have had some recent warnings, from my commercial web designer, that my hosting situation wasn’t as robust as it should be, and so i wasn’t particularly surprised by this, but it definitely needed further investigation.

it turns out that there has, apparently, been a change in how server resources are allocated, something which has never been an issue before (or, if it has, it hasn’t been anything I have either heard about, or have any control over), and having all my domains on one “account” strains server resources. 🤨

the solution to, at least, this PART of the problem, is to use WHM to separate the domains into different accounts… but, until i switched to the current host provider (i want to say five to seven years ago), i didn’t even have ACCESS to WHM, have only the vaguest clue how to use it, and i DO NOT know how to use it to “separate the domains into different accounts”… and, it’s my impression that it is REALLY easy to FUCK THINGS UP, if you don’t know what you’re doing with WHM… which, it is my guess, is one of the reasons i never had access to it before the current host provider… 😒


i got an email from the host provider, this morning, that basically said “oh, by the way, we’re raising your rate by 25%”. 🤬

i have LOST TOUCH with A LOT of the stuff i used to know about internet and computers, and i’m kind of okay with that… which means that learning new things about internet domains and accounts, and learning a how to use a new computer tool, was NOT on my list of things i really want to do, and changing host providers AGAIN is ALREADY something i would RATHER NOT do…

but, guess what? it looks like i’m going to be doing both of them ANYWAY! 🤬🤬

so, i responded, saying that i could use WHM, if someone who knows how to do it wants to talk me through it… this was their response:

If you want to avoid all domains sharing the same resources, the best practice is to create a separate cPanel account for each domain through WHM. This way, each site gets its own resource allocation, helping to prevent performance issues if one site experiences high traffic or other problems.

To clarify:

– You can create a new cPanel account in WHM under the Create a New Account section.
– Each account will have its own login, email setup, and resource limits (based on your hosting package).
– Please note that moving files, databases, and emails from one cPanel account to another must be done manually. Unfortunately, we are unable to assist with the migration process — you will need to handle this yourself.

You can access the WHM panel through your client area by selecting Login to Control Panel.

from their email this morning:

To enable us to continue providing you with the quality and reliability you expect — and to further enhance the performance and security of your services — we will

be charging me 25% more…

the quality and reliability i have come to expect is for them to help me figure this out, like they did prior to selling out. 😒

i am so NOT going to pay 25% more for this crap! 🤬

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