i have been poking around one of my old haunts, WebHostingTalk dot com, which has, in the past, been a source of succinct and correct answers, and, once again, it has not failed.
among other things, i learned that i “shouldn’t have to come here for this kind of help – your provider should support you”, and, if it were the same host provider i signed up with originally, i’m fairly sure that they would have helped me figure this out. but, for whatever it’s worth, WebHost Python sold out a couple of years ago, and their “support” has suffered the most, as a result. it used to be that i knew all the tech support engineers by name, but now there is a different “support” “engineer” for every time they respond to my tickets, some of whom don’t write english particularly clearly, and, even when they write perfectly clearly, about half of the time they only read the first two or three sentences, and then they start responding as though they have read the entire message, which means that, frequently, they’re repeating themselves, or what they’re saying has no relation to the actual subject… 😒
another thing i learned is that there is, actually a “tool” that is part of WHM, which splits “add-on domains” out into their own accounts… which is EXACTLY what i need… EXCEPT that it is only accessible by a person who has “root” privileges, which i DO NOT have… in other words, someone FROM THE HOST PROVIDER has to operate it… but, apparently, the “support” “engineers” either don’t know about it, or, if they do, then they are deliberately withholding that information and, potentially, laughing at me behind my back as i flounder about trying to figure out what to do.
both of those options are very definitely NOT what i should expect to receive from the people I PAY to help me figure these things out, especially when they’re talking about increasing their charges by 25%. 😒
SO moving everything to a new host provider BEFORE i figure them out is probably the wise and prudent thing to do.
FORTUNATELY that is ANOTHER thing that WHT is good for, and i have ALREADY made contact with a guy who said that he would host all my domains for about the same price that WHP was charging me BEFORE the 25% increase, AND he will help me split my add-on domains out into separate accounts. 😎👍👍
so, if you’re reading this, and it affects a web site of yours, be prepared to change the nameserver information at your domain registrar when i switch hosts. 😉
naturally, all this takes place at the end of the week, when the next business day is 3 days away… fortunately (this time), there isn’t something imminently going on that is going to break if i let it go over the weekend, and it will give me more of a chance to alert those people who it will affect. i’ve alerted two of the three people i still host, but the other one is proving a bit more elusive… and i totally understand, given his share of horrendous fiascoes that he has to live through… 😉