Tag Archives: domes

the dome! 👍👍

at some point i think i might have posted a picture of the dome,

i did. it was here, 15 years ago, and it no longer has the pictures, because i quit flickr. 😒

but my guess is that it got wiped out when i quit flickr, and/or then my flickr archive got wiped out in the cloud-drive crack… so this is the re-posting:

a large 1V geodesic dome. two windows and door are visible. one window has two hindu murtis in it. there is a large wind chime, and a child's bike leaned up against the side.
1991 – the dome

this is the origin of my obsession with domes. i lived in this dome in 1991, according to the title of the graphic, which i just found in some obscure place that i haven’t seen since before my old cloud drive was vandalised, a few years ago, and according to the re-constructed list of when things happened, which i didn’t even have to update when i found the graphic… which, i think, is a good sign that i have at least partially recovered from that vandalism.

the dome was larger on the inside than it was on the outside. on the outside, it looked like a single-floor structure, but on the inside it had three floors. the bottom floor was where ezra lived, and the upper floor was where my bed was, right next to the upper window. the middle level was my living space, and ezra’s ceiling.

when i first moved in, there was one floor, and a bed/shelf along one wall, but the owner said i could build whatever i wanted inside, so i went crazy, and divided up the space in a way that the owner hadn’t even thought of.

you can see the 5-sided building on google maps, but it’s not a geodesic dome any longer… the owner liked the new layout enough that, when i moved out, he expanded the second floor, and added a new roof.

that got me primed… then, when i finally made it to burning man, in 2008, i encountered very many domes of different sizes and constructions, and that got me hooked.

taking it easy… for a change.

after the combined stresses of having my web server go down and the IPv6 fiasco on my local computer, i was feeling pretty wound up yesterday, but i’ve found that going to a gig with la banda gozona and playing some really difficult but energetic, challenging and fun music on my trombone (i’ve switched to trombone from sousaphone, becase another reliable sousaphone player showed up, and memo wants to “shame” the other trombone player into actually playing the written notes more of the time, especially during performances where he has a tendency to “take a solo” at inappropriate times), along with fixing the direct cause of that stress, would appear to be exactly the right thing to do to alleviate said stress. the result being that i feel more relaxed this morning than i have in a long time. my computers are working, i actually got an incense order during the time that the local computer was down, business is doing well, i’m playing a lot of music with a whole bunch of different groups, i’m caught up enough with the projects that have been on hold for 4 years because of a lack of workshop space, that now i’m coming up with new project ideas and thinking of things i can make for people as gifts. also, there’s a clarinet needing repair that appeared on freecycle, so i’m going to pick it up this afternoon, fix it, and freecycle it to some other deserving person.

and, to make matters worse, i’ve found a PDF-scanned “DIY” book from the early ’70s that has a whole bunch of ideas for simple, cheap, portable living spaces that fit right in with the dome project fantasy that i’ve been playing with ever since i got back from burning man last year for a long time. maybe it’s time to start actualizing some of this fantasy play… 8)

this is a really strange place in which to find myself… i’ve always had this… not fear, although it amounts to the same thing… of fantasies, because deep down, i know that they are fantasies, and fantasies don’t exist in reality. but i’ve been playing around with the philosophical idea that opposites are an illusion for a while now, so maybe it’s time to try seeing what it would be like to actually make my fantastic ideas into real things.