a little thing called roscoe which is the latest piece of music i’ve been working on… not very accessible, is it?
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a little thing called roscoe which is the latest piece of music i’ve been working on… not very accessible, is it?
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Sound great! – Can you play all that on your tuba??
i don’t actually play the notes, and, for the most part, the notes are different every time i play the piece of music… actually, this piece is only 16 bars long, and it repeats (although not in the recording i posted, due to size limitations) for as long as i let it. i could post others… i’ve currently got about 5 MB of web space, and “a little thing called roscoe” is taking up a little more than 1 MB of that, so there’s around 3 MB left. i’ll get some of the other ones together, but i’m going to run out of space very soon.
Let them run until they’re finished? I don’t get the process. But hey, I like the results! Can we hear the others?
it sounds like the soundtrack of a VERY demented B&W cartoon.
a couple of my pieces of music have elicited very similar responses from people. i have one particular piece in mind, called “Entomology”, for which i’ve got an animated short cartoonish film all planned out, save for actually finding someone to do the animation… could it be you?
What tools do you like to use for composition?
i am very fond of propellerheads reason, but i also use audio mulch, goldwave, cool edit and protools.
it wouldn’t be too difficult to do that, as it’s a pretty "hands off" piece… i just set up the synthesizers and then sit back and let them run until either they finish or i decide that they’re done… i’ve got a few more pieces like this as well.
OOH!! On the contrary, I’d say it’s VERY accessible! That is fanTAStic! I love the layers of birds chirping, water drops, human voice, etc. I love the pace of it. I could totally see myself listening to that while painting. I definitely wouldn’t mind having that be 5-10 minutes long, with two or three similar pieces, and using that CD as background music while doing artwork.
A very interesting forray into Musique Concrete in its digital age manifestation! Or something.
To be brutally honest, it sounds like the soundtrack of a VERY demented B&W cartoon.
What tools do you like to use for composition? I need to get back to tunesmithy and right now I mainly have midi to play with.
Keep up the good work!