on sunday i met with a “project manager” (otherwise known as ian, a guy who i have known for around 30 years) to discuss how to make my business do more of what it’s supposed to do, which is bring in money to support me. he gave me a whole bunch of ideas – significantly, he is the first person to actually say that i do, in fact, need a workshop (and it turns out that he knows a guy who might be able to get a shipping container in which to put said workshop). one of the other things that he suggested was to expand my disk quota on drizzle, so that we would have a place to put documents related to my business that are meaningful to both of us. so i contacted drizzle, and they are changing my DNS, at this very moment, so that i (well, hybridelephant.com) will be located on a different server, so that instead of having 40mb maximum (which is what i have now), it will have 500mb maximum, which should be more than enough. added perquisites to this are that hybridelephant.com will also have a real SQL database for my shopping cart, 60 pop email addresses – real email addresses, not aliases – and it will cost around $50 a year less than it did before the move.
to add to all of this, i got $200 from drunk puppet night, which i was not expecting, and i did business cards for MIVC (one of the places where moe works) which is going to bring in another $200, along with the $280 that is coming in from the MF program and whatever they deign to pay me for actually being a musician in the MF should put me over $500 in the bank, which will be the first time i have ever had that much money in the bank since i first started the business.
maybe this “project manager” thing is going to actually work out… it seems to be doing so so far…