a few months ago, one of my friends told me that i work myself into a frenzy with all of this doom-and-gloom news reporting, and they were probably right. but at the same time, it is astounding to me how many of my fellow humans can be so selectively blind when it comes to issues that will affect the normal passage of their lives, and it’s even more astounding to me that i am posting something that i found on a conservative web site, considering that i am one of the most liberal radicals i know. it is also interestingly frightening to consider how many of these corrupt politicians are now candidates for the upcoming presidential elections…
Daily Archives: Thursday, 20071227
oh my… this could be very bad…
Pakistan’s Bhutto Killed in Attack – now how long do you think it’s going to be before it is discovered that bush and his cronies had a hand in planning this assassination somehow, in order to keep musharraf in power?