MILFs?? boobies??

i just came across this, and it is SO bizarre…

Mom angered by racy books in clothes shop
May 5, 2008

LYNNWOOD, Wash (UPI) — A Washington mother with a teenage son said she was outraged to find books with sexual content on sale at the teen clothing store Urban Outfitters.

Marci Milfs of Lynnwood said she plans to file a complaint with the city of Lynnwood about the books, which she said do not belong in a clothing store aimed at children and teenagers, the Everett (Wash.) Herald reported Monday.

Milfs said she has already raised the issue of the books — which include “Pornogami: A Guide to the Ancient Art of Paper-Folding for Adults,” and “Porn for Women,” a book featuring pictures of men doing housework — with state Rep. Norma Smith, R-Clinton, and conservative non-profits including Morality in Media, Concerned Women of America and the American Family Association.

The mother said Urban Outfitters’ corporate office in Philadelphia refused her demand that the books be removed.

sweet breast pudding

“They said they are not sex books or pornography books, but that they are art books and their goals are to support artists,” Milfs said.

However, Milfs maintains the books should not be seen by children.

“It’s not freedom of speech,” she said. “It’s selling adult books to teenagers.”

this has got to be a joke, right? her name is “Marci MILFs”?!?

somebody at UPI is having a good laugh about this one… 8)

also, Bizarre Breast Puddings From Japan make me wonder why we’re not so open minded in this country…

another reason this country is going to hell

Mildred Loving, the woman whose name is on the lawsuit that made it legal for people of different races to marry each other, has died. oddly enough, although you may not think so, she was also in favour of same sex marriage, for exactly the same reasons as she was in favour of interracial marriage: LOVE.

at the same time, in “The City of Brotherly Love”, they are verging on banning same sex marriage. there is so much going on in this country that has far more importance than the homophobia of these yahoos. they have entirely too much time on their hands if this is all they can accomplish. how they got elected in the first place is beyond me… i mean they came to a decision on mildred loving’s case in 1967! why are they still arguing about this? it was establised by a unanimous decision fourty years ago!

let’s stop arguing about whether or not is okay for two people of the same sex to get married to each other and start worrying about things like global warming and alternative energy sources. the way things are going currently, the world can slowly disintigrate from the inside out, while we are arguing about whether or not it’s okay for two people to love one another. it’s time to change our minds before it’s too late! 8/

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