if you’ve watched any TV at all for the past month or so, there’s a good chance that you’ve seen advertisements for Riddex Plus™, which is supposed to be a thing that you plug in to the wall, that sends digital pulses through your electrical wiring and drives out bugs and rodents… except it doesn’t work!
and not only doesn’t it work, but apparently the people who are advertising it have known, not only that it doesn’t work, but that they aren’t supposed to advertise things that they know won’t work for five years!!
the fact that they are going against the government’s specific directive does not say much for the government’s specific directive, but it says less about the motivations of the people who manufacture this crap, that they think they can pull the wool over our eyes again, just because it’s been a few years since they were slapped on the hand for doing exactly the same thing, and it starts to be insulting when you get to the point of addressing the intellect of those who are actually going to watch the advertising… do they think that our attention span is so small that nobody will notice, or what??
my recommendations? first:
second: if you feel motivated to do so, contact the TV station and file a complaint, or contact the FTC and file a complaint… or just stop watching television all together…
it doesn’t say, but it would be a good bet…
My concern, since I’m not going to buy it anyway, is whether by buying the module you give Riddex access to your home—i.e.: it doesn’t get rid of bugs, but maybe it introduces bugs into your home?
(Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.)