i wrote a whole bunch of stuff that i realised would go really well in a post that i have scheduled for the 30th, so i incorporated it into that, and now i don’t have anything for today…
wait, yes i do…
SNOW!! 😛
monday, snow pretty much all day. everything totally screwed up: jack-knifed trucks shut freeways down, people abandoning cars on the freeway, roads blocked by abandoned/crashed cars and busses, people driving the wrong direction on the freeway, bus flipped sending 10 people to the hospital… total DRAG. tuesday, frozen snow left over from monday. some new, but not very much. roads are a little better, but people got the idea and stayed home, so there wasn’t as much chaos. wednesday, persistent frozen snow from monday, no new snow so far. they’re saying that the weather should be back in the mid-40s and raining tomorrow.
i can’t wait. i hate snow…
no, i don’t hate snow, i hate being cold. i would far rather be too hot than too cold (and when i have the chance, you can’t get me out of a sauna). i also hate having to get somewhere when it’s snowing. not because i can’t drive in the snow (i actually learned to drive in buffalo, new york, where there is 6 to 12 feet of snow, pretty much all winter, every year), but because other people can’t drive in the snow. it’s really, really sad when i am driving my front-wheel-drive ford station wagon with no chains, and i pass up a fully chained hummer that has driven into the ditch and been abandoned… really sad…