busy, busy, busy…

i belong to the Rudraksha Bead Societies Club email group, and this message from Anil Kumar came through in a larger discussion about the Himalayan Academy.design, typesetting and computer wizardry

I have been reading from Himalayan Academy and their various sub websites, almost regularly for the past few years and the information available is simply amazing. The monks keep updating it on a regular basis. You can follow their daily blog which they call TAKA on the below link:


For Modern day Mystics who want to know the significance of this Giant Crystal Shivalingam ( also known as an Earth keeper Crystal), they can follow the below links,



Almitra Zion also had visions of this EarthKeeper Crystal apart from Gurdeva Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami who then deputed her to procure the same.

i did quite a bit of typesetting and design work for almitra zion from about 1989 or so until 1995, ending soon after i moved from bellingham to seattle, and posted about my interactions with a lady at the fremont sunday market who was using the "Words Of Power" cards in the past, but here is an independent, third-party recognition that almitra does, in fact, exist, crazy as she is.

i met almitra during the time that i was working for the advertising company in bellingham and doing work “on the side” for an esoteric book store. the owner of this book store put me in contact with someone who, she said, was “opening another ‘esoteric’ book store” in a different part of town. that person was almitra, and i worked with her until i moved to seattle, doing sign painting, making labels for the book shelves, designing and printing flyers and pamphlets and doing advertising design, including a number of advertising magazines, as well as artistic design for these crazy cards that she wanted me to print for her in 1992, which had her “intuitive” meaning for the individual letters of the words. they were actually sort of hillarious, in a sad kind of way, because her “intuition” frequently told her what words meant, but only if they were spelled in her own “intuitive” way, and i had to inform her on a number of occasions that a particular word wouldn’t work, because the dictionary disagreed with her “intuition” and if i spelled the word the way she wanted to spell it, she would end up looking like a pompous, uneducated moron.

she never actually paid me with money. she gave me a fairly large african drum, and a lot of promises, but it was only after i told her that i wasn’t going to do any more work for her that she offered me the computer that she had bought to do the design work that i had been doing for her. it was an acceptible offer to me, since i was in the business of doing typesetting and design work, and, for the time, it was a pretty attractive computer – a Mac LCII. in return, i completed one more magazine for her, and then informed her that i was now living in seattle and couldn’t do work for her any longer.

shortly after i moved to seattle – once i had actually got an apartment of my own – my former-friend jim came to visit for a couple of weeks, ostensibly because he wanted to “get straight” after pretty much losing most of his life to bottles of cheap, fortified wine. i later learned that he was working with almitra, and one of the reasons he came to “visit” me was so that he could get a copy of my key, which, after i realised that staying at my apartment wasn’t going to help jim “straighten out” and threw him out, he proceded to go back to bellingham and give to almitra, who used it to break into my apartment and steal my computer back… and then he had the gall to email me a couple of weeks later because he couldn’t break the password that i had set to restrict access to the computer and he had to ask me if i would give it to him… which, of course, i wouldn’t, and laughed at him for his delusion that i would… 😐

apparently, she’s got a web site (designed by her son, who was approximately 4 years old when i was working for her), and she’s actually selling the "Words Of Power" cards in an online revival of the original central sun brick and mortar shop in bellingham – she says that it also operated on kauai before that, and it well may have, but if it was, it was very likely a "hippie tarot readings and esoteric doodads at inflated prices" shop run by a post-adolescent psychotic who thought she was a healer, because that’s pretty much what it was when i worked for her in bellingham.

these people must be members of my karass, because as hard as i try to get away from having to associate with them, they keep on showing up, whether i like it or not…

another week closer to the eschaton…

Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid – do they really need a formal study to confirm that?

No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it. – much as i agree with this, try convincing a cop who is intent on arresting you of that fact, or a court which is prosecuting you once you are arrested… 😐

Europe faces rising austerity protests in 2011 – this is just the beginning…

Author Slams eBook Piracy, Son Outs Her As a Music Pirate – copying is not theft.

Why do we let this creepy company spy on our emails? – another reason why, in spite of the fact that i use noscript, taco, adblock and tor, i still won’t use gmail. Warrant needed to snoop on your emails – now we have to wait and see if google data-mining your email for targeted advertising will disappear. my guess is that it won’t change anything.

Why Are the Feds Cultivating Their Own "Homegrown Terrorists"? – could it possibly be that they can’t find any foreign-grown ones? or that they’re so inept that they wouldn’t recognise a terrorist if one blew up in front of them? could it possibly be that they don’t understand why someone would hate the way things are, and have a tendency to cheer, or look the other way when terrorists are actually being born…? 😐 … no, it couldn’t be that… it’s probably because they’re too busy with things like this: Texas Airport Security Insults India After Wrongfully Demanding To Search UN Envoy’s Turban and Boy of 12 hauled out of class by police over David Cameron Facebook protest – this is exactly the sorts of things in which the DHS is interested, not actual terrorists at all… TSA’s Scanners Can Be Fooled With Pancakes – another reason why “security theatre” is exactly that, and doesn’t really have anything to do with detecting or deterring people who really want to do evil.

Internet was never free or open and never will be – i’ve worked with internet long enough to know that he’s largely correct. i have about as much freedom as is practically affordable these days, but if my host provider decided that i was doing something illegal, they would shut me down and there would be very little i could do about it, whether i actually was doing something illegal or not. my impression is that the only way for me to prevent that is to buy my own server and a backbone connection, which is prohibitively expensive at the moment… and even then, i still have to connect to an internet which, if they decide to do so, can block anyone from ever being able to see, or get to my server…

despite rumours that wikileaks.org is back up and running on a new nameserver in the US (unconfirmed, because it still comes up as unknown), Air Force blocks access to sites that covered WikiLeaks – they somehow think that if they tell enough people not to view this site that it will magically vanish… poor, deluded air force people… 😐

UK, not Sweden, behind efforts to keep Assange in jail – i wonder how long it will be until actual blame for holding assange in jail boils down to US interests in shutting him up… 😐

meanwhile, US Is Apparently Torturing Bradley Manning, Despite No Trial And No Conviction – apparently the US gummint is really pissed at him for turning over their dirty little secrets… like this: Australia feared Israeli strike on Iran could spark nuclear war

Justice Department sues BP, eight other companies over Gulf oil spill – this is a good thing, but it’s far too little, far too late, and will probably be forgotten, appealed or countersued eventually.