Contact Congress Now Before it Deals Away Your Privacy Rights! and Congressional leaders agree on four-year extension of PATRIOT Act – here’s an idea… let’s overthrow these douchebags and get back to the concept that america was founded on: FREEDOM!
What International Law Says about the Killing of Bin Laden – “A targeted killing of a terrorist does not, contrary to what US President Barack Obama has suggested, do a service to justice; rather, it runs contrary to it. A state governed by the rule of law, treats even its enemies humanely. It arrests terrorists and brings them before a court.”
Secret Service interrogates Tacoma 7th grader – instead of going after real terrorists, the secret service is strong-arming a seventh-grader – without representation – about something he posted on facebook…
In public statement, TSA lies about the Constitution – i keep wondering when enough is really going to be enough… 😐
Obama’s Middle East Hypocrisy – “hope,” “change,” peace, democratic values, closing Guantanamo in one year, ending torture, illegal spying, and detention without trial, “a new era of openness”…? i suppose democrats are just as “honest” as republicans when it comes to getting elected…
This Is What A Police State Looks Like and Warrants Let Agents Enter Homes Without Owner Knowing – “The ACLU said it expects delayed-notice warrant numbers to keep growing each year as long as certain parts of the Patriot Act remain on the books”…
I was quiet because I didn’t deal drugs.
When they took the sixth amendment,
I was quiet because I was innocent.
When they took the second amendment,
I was quiet because I didn’t own a gun.
Now they’ve taken the first amendment,
and I can say nothing about it.
Stephen Hawking: ‘There is no heaven; it’s a fairy story’ – stephen hawking is one guy who i would say is not wrong about too many things, and if he says heaven is a fairy story, it doesn’t look good for people who say he’s wrong…
Government Orders YouTube To Censor Protest Videos – broadcast yourself… unless it’s doing something that the gummint doesn’t approve of, even if it’s not the gummint of the country you’re in at the time…
Microsoft Structured Acquisition Of Skype To Avoid U.S. Taxes – this is wrong on so VERY many levels… but my impression is that most people are not even going to notice, or, if they do, they’ll think that it is good for the economy…
The RIAA Picks A New Legal Target – my impression has always been that you don’t want to keep documents to which you don’t want other people to have access, on “the cloud”, especially media files that you downloaded, but here’s a very good reason to avoid that practice, if you have done so in the past…
finally, False May 21, 2011 Doomsday prophet Harold Camping "deserts" devastated followers, church offers solace and Harold Camping ‘flabbergasted’; rapture a no-show – being wrong once is bad enough, but when a “prophet” is wrong twice somebody should check on the followers of that “prophet” as well… The Incredibly Tiny “christian” Universe