i’m getting really amused by the spam-bots’ futile attempts to make it look like there’s really a human behind the spam, when the anti-spam plugin i’m using makes it so that there’s a form field that only robots fill out, and the spam automatically ends up getting trashed when that form field is filled out…
my mother-in-law bought me a huge 书法 brush… it’s bristles are four inches long (and i think they’re horse-hair, based on my experience with violin bows), it’s easily 1½ inches in diameter, and the whole thing is about 18 inches long… i suppose i’ve got the ink and inkstone and stuff to use it, but i’m not particularly good at 书法… maybe it’s a hint…
my blood pressure monitor has developed a leak, and now won’t register higher than 10mg Hg, which isn’t nearly enough.
i’ve got a gig with the SANCApators at a parade in magnolia on saturday. i’m playing sousaphone, and i actually have a sousaphone lyre… i’ve had it in my box of miscellaneous brass parts for the better part of 30 years, and i was able to find it immediately – partially because of the fact that my workshop is super organised these days… 8)
sunday i’m appearing with snake suspenderz at the ballard sunday market. apparently we’ve made a good enough impression on the vendors in the immediate vicinity that one of them offered to save us the spot this week… which is, apparently, against the “busker rules” – according to thad and hobbit, but they’re both actual buskers, so i’m assuming that they would know… anyway, we’re apparently not taking them up on the offer, but we’re going to try to make it down there early enough that it won’t matter.