this is why paypal SUCKS!

so – naturally – i haven’t heard anything about whether or not the email that i received from "[email protected]" really was from paypal or not, and the person i talked to last week said that i would hear from the fraud department in two to three days, so i decided to call and see if they knew anything…

why do i always decide to torture myself early in the week… 😐

i talked to one person who had a very strong accent of some kind or another (to the point where i had to ask them to repeat their greeting, because i didn’t understand what they had said AT ALL). when i had confirmed that i had, indeed, called paypal, and not some place in madagascar, i explained my problem, and was promptly put on hold to wait for the fraud department.

half an hour later, i was greeted by an american girl who couldn’t have been much older than 20, who assured me that if i hadn’t heard anything, that my email was probably fraudulent. i then explained that the email had two parts, one of which matched the guidelines for a “real” email, and the other of which matched the guidelines for a fraudulent email, whereupon she changed her tune, and said that the email was real. i proceded to tell her about the fact that i traced it to a account, whereupon she changed her tune again and said that it was clearly fraudulent, which, she said, was made obvious by the fact that i hadn’t heard anything…

at that point, i politely ended the conversation, and proceded to hit myself in the face with my keyboard, because it is more comfortable… 😛

THAT is why i don’t keep a balance in my paypal accounts… it’s just not worth the risk. 😐

another week closer to the eschaton…

proud to be a liberal

The Patriot Act Anniversary Week Round-Up – When the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry… the Patriot Act has been extended until 2015…

Scum Thy Name Is Quan – Scott Olsen, member of Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War and a Marine Corps veteran of two tours in Iraq… was shot in the head last night by Oakland police, and is currently in critical condition. Mayor Jean Quan’s statement: “I commend (Police) Chief Jordan for a generally peaceful resolution to (the) situation…” #OWS statement: “It is unconscionable that American government officials would sanction the use of such extreme force against peaceful citizens.”

Facebook partners with Labor Department to "help" job-seekers – facebook is implementing facial recognition routines, and buddying up with the federal government… that can’t be good…

Killing For Sport? – 😮

There’s a Cop in Oakland Deserving of a Severe Beat Down – 😮

Up to 20 million tons of debris from Japan’s tsunami moving toward Hawaii – 😮

Colombian president calls for legalisation of marijuana – Juan Manuel Santos, the Colombian president, has called for the global legalisation of marijuana… too bad he’s just the president of a country where brown people live…