Mississippi Republicans Only Narrowly Support Interracial Marriage – this isn’t 50 years ago, it’s today. 😐 the reason we’ve got to deal with “the war on terrorism”, and “global warming”, and occupy wall street, and priests abusing kids and things like that, these days, is because there are still people who would keep us thinking this way. it’s ignorant, it’s wrong, and i don’t like it. the way to change the world, is to change the MINDS of people who don’t want to change… and that’s the part that i still can’t figure out. but you have my word as an enlightened person, that if i ever figure that out, it’s going to be the first thing on my list of things to do. in the mean while, we’ll have to put up with videos like this popping up from time to time Actual Video of Water Torture Our Ex-Leaders Confess to on Their Bestselling Book Tours and Our Current Leaders Falsely Deny and there’s nothing we’re going to be able to do about it. that’s it: either change the minds of people who don’t want to change, or put up with their little antics and pretend nothing is wrong.
do what you like, i’m convinced that “antics” like that are wrong, regardless of who they’re fighting. 😐
Police Force Peaceful UC Davis Students to Open Their Mouths … and Then Shoot Pepper Spray DOWN THEIR THROATS and Police Attack Peaceful UC Davis Students With Pepper Spray and Seated and not offering any threat, protesters at Occupy Tulsa get sprayed, point blank, in the face with pepper spray, by cops – it is unclear how a person who refuses to get off the ground could be persuaded to do so by blinding them. more info at Addicting Info
however, University of California President ‘Appalled’ by Police Brutality Against Student Protesters is probably going to be the last you’ll ever hear about getting justice for the downtrodden, and the aggressors are probably not even going to get a warning.
You Say You Want a Revolution – Occupy Wall Street is a paper tiger: All drums and no message. If you want to change the system under which you Americans suffer you must stop collaborating with it…
Make No Mistake: This Is Illegal. Also Insane. – the police said they felt they had to take the semi-automatic-wielding action because “the group used large banners to obscure the windows to the business…”
Former Police Captain and Current OWS Protester Ray Lewis Arrested and Former Philadelphia Police Captain Ray Lewis, In Cuffs – they say a picture is worth 1,000 words…
NYPD Joins Spanish Inquisition in Attack on the Written Word – “the police are saying the books weren’t destroyed, but simply removed and that they could be reclaimed later”… from the dumpster, where they were “deposited” by a bulldozer…
Lobbying firm’s memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street – the 1% thinks that the expenditure of less than $1 million will completely take down the OWS movement… we’ll see how right they are…
Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI ‘entrapment’ questioned – gee, you think? unfortunately, nobody will pay attention to the goofy brits and their offbeat humour…
TSA Warns Travelers Not To Smuggle Carry-On Items In Christmas Gift Wrap – another meaningless imposition on what should otherwise be a joyous occasion…
Europe Bans X-Ray Body Scanners Used at U.S. Airports – but the U.S. ignores the ignorant europeans because they don’t know any better…
An Open Letter From Internet Engineers to the Senate Judiciary Committee – The Internet Blacklist Legislation– known as PROTECT IP Act in the Senate and Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House – is a threatening sequel to last year’s COICA Internet censorship bill. Like its predecessor, this legislation invites Internet security risks, threatens online speech, and hampers Internet innovation. Urge your members of Congress to reject this Internet blacklist campaign in both its forms!
The ‘School to Prison Pipeline’: Education Under Arrest – remember how, when you were in school, you made the connection between forced education and the prison system? it’s worse now, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better any time soon.
High Childhood IQ Linked to Subsequent Illicit Drug Use – it’s to help us deal with the IDIOTS in charge… of course research won’t tell you why there’s a link, but that’s the reason, when it comes down to it.
Pizza Is Not a Vegetable – at least when reagan tried to convince us that ketchup was a vegetable, people had the sense to vote him down (and, technically, nothing is really a vegetable anyway, but that’s beside the point).