
i was driving north on I5 this morning, and i saw one of those “Airporter” vans in the HOV lane, only there was only one person — the driver — in the vehicle. on the back of the vehicle was a sticker which said:RCW46.61.165: Authorized
HOV Lane Use At Any Time

the part that it is talking about is this part:

(c) the following private transportation provider vehicles if the vehicle has the capacity to carry eight or more passengers, regardless of the number of passengers in the vehicle, and if such use does not interfere with the efficiency, reliability, and safety of public transportation operations: (i) Auto transportation company vehicles regulated under chapter 81.68 RCW; (ii) passenger charter carrier vehicles regulated under chapter 81.70 RCW, except marked or unmarked stretch limousines and stretch sport utility vehicles as defined under department of licensing rules; (iii) private nonprofit transportation provider vehicles regulated under chapter 81.66 RCW; and (iv) private employer transportation service vehicles, when such limitation will increase the efficient utilization of the highway or will aid in the conservation of energy resources.

that got me to thinking… what if i made a similar bumper-sticker-sized thing to go on the back of my car…

as long as i obeyed every other law, and didn’t get pulled over for some other reason, there would be no way that the roadside cops would be able to tell that i wasn’t authorised to be in the HOV lane… and even if they did pull me over for some other reason, as long as i could get out of it without having to show some sort of “commercial drivers’ license” (which, because of years as a cab driver, i know exist) there really wouldn’t be any way to tell…

now all i have to do is move to a city where the HOV lanes actually make a difference… 😐