darrington 4th of july parade with the fighting instruments of karma marching chamber band/orchestra

my mother-in-law instructed me to give my cell phone to someone and have them take my picture. this is what my camera had in it after i did what she asked:
pictures taken by karl meyer at the 4th of july parade in darrington, 2014
pictures taken by karl meyer at the 4th of july parade in darrington, 2014
pictures taken by karl meyer at the 4th of july parade in darrington, 2014

the other guy is my very good friend karl meyer, who i have known from bellingham for 35+ years… he is also very tall.

One thought on “darrington 4th of july parade with the fighting instruments of karma marching chamber band/orchestra”

  1. hello! kept wanting to contact ya. let ya know am still alive & kickin’. CONGRADS to yer state for legalizin’ pot. oops – that new one wuz n.y. which in itself extra special. sure wish the others would wake the heck up!!! still seeing doc’s & trips to hospitals. but treatments for cancer over. didn’t go back to work. have attorney now & going for disability. which can go on forever. oh, well……. i no longer use my email. it was totally hacked. just use facebook & found a way to find these again. so from time-to-time, i’ll say somethin’ this way. am on foot awhile cause stupid car threw a rod. not much extra, so bidding my time to find a cheap one (if at all possible). connor (my dog) turned 15 in may. vet says organs just fine. he can no longer jump on bed, also gets winded; but still with me. my son lives here now. he brought home a puppy recently. a lil’ pit/bully. she is in that puppy chewin’ stage. drivin’ people nutso. smile….. hope all be well for you. think often of ya. in this photo = yer lookin’ good. enjoy still to be able to communicate. just don’t use my email addy anymore. TAKE CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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