book of farce, part II

also, because of the fact that i am “Frank Zappa” (for all intents and purposes) on farcebook, i have left myself wide open to participating in farcebook drama… this is something that i have been avoiding like the plague, ever since the internet was little more than a bunch of static pages posted on somebody’s multi-user BBS.

seriously, i hate drama in real life, and even moreso online. at least if it’s in real life i can actually see the person i’m dealing with, and (potentially) read their expressions and body language to get a clue about what they might be thinking, but online i have none of that…

in this case it took the form of Artis The Spoonman*, an aquaintence of mine who i know because of his association with many other friends of mine, who i have met a few times, but to whom i don’t have any strong connection.

significantly, artis has the rare priveledge of calling Frank Zappa the musician a friend of his, so my guess is that when he received a friend-request from Frank Zappa the cat, his world got a twist that he wasn’t expecting, because he immediately went off on me… or, rather, “Frank Zappa” because of the fact that i wasn’t what he was expecting: Frank Zappa the musician had interesting, if erroneous, views of cannabis and psilocybin, and had political leanings that were radical, to say the least, and because of the fact that Frank Zappa the cat didn’t espouse those same views, artis seemed to think that i was doing a disservice to the name of Frank Zappa.

at this point — i think — everything has been smoothed over, partially due to moe running interference for me… but the thing is, i’ve been reading about farcebook again, and there are a bunch of new additions to my “anti-farcebook” list of URIs that have made me seriously wonder whether or not i might have made a big mistake in signing up for it in the first place , the most recent of which is the fact that they have, apparently, started up a new “artificial intelligence” lab in paris, so my “anti-farcebook” buttons have already been pushed…

and then i get this screed from artis about how “this site is bogus if it is meant to rep FZ at all…” and that i’m “ludicrous and offensive to him, his family and us admirers”…

the fact is, although i don’t have to put up with that kind of ranting on MY “wall” or whatever it is that they call it, i left it up, and engaged him, because, ultimately, i want to be facebook-friends with him, but he kept on getting more and more uptight about the fact that i wasn’t the Frank Zappa he was friends with…

seriously, i’m THIS CLOSE to hanging it all up and deleting my farcebook profile…

the only reason i don’t, at this point, is the fact that i finally connected with the new booker for The Ritz, and have almost confirmed the Fremont Philharmonic’s performance there, and if it weren’t for farcebook, that probably would not have happened. 😡

* yes, that Artis The Spoonman… 😐