
this is a message for the “user” named “Philipcef Philipcef”, whose email address appears to be “liamgvideo at gmail dot com”…

your message, “Test, just a test”, has earned you a coveted spot in my “Blocked IP Addresses” list. in fact, your message has earned the /22 block of IP addresses at (which is in russia) a spot on my “Blocked IP Addresses” list.

congratulations. 😒

if you want to test my response form, just ask… it works quite well. it also includes a wonderful little X- line, called “X-PHP-Script”, which you probably didn’t know about, which includes your IP address — — i expanded it to the next block, just to make sure.

now you, and 1,024 other russian citizens are COMPLETELY BLOCKED from viewing ANY of my web sites, including Hybrid Elephant, which you “tested” at 06:31 PDT this morning.

and, considering that the contact information for is “grunge at”, i’m guessing that it won’t really matter that much. 😒

spam is bad. stop it.


today i switched the lights from vegetative to flowering.


i shut down the grow-tent and moved them under the flowering lights, and gave them supports so that they’ll grow up instead of out.

i still have to decide whether or not i’m going to clone them, or just shut down the grow-tent until next year… but i’ve also got to decide if i’m going to construct a dedicated grow room, or divide up the existing shed, or what, so the likelihood that i will just shut down the grow-tent is fairly high.

oh, btw…

i had my colonoscopy on 240809. i had a polyp removed, which tested normal. the doctor recommends another colonoscopy in ten years.

if medical science has increased as much in 10 years as it has in the past 10 years, i anticipate a far easier procedure than the one i just had… which was DRAMATICALLY easier than my previous colonoscopy (15 years ago) was…

it seems really odd that, not quite 3 months ago, i spent three days in the hospital with diverticulitis. the doctors have said that, while they can’t agree on what causes it, there’s a good chance that there’s a genetic component. but none of my relatives have had diverticulitis… that i know of… the doctors also said that it could just be “bad luck”, which i can definitely believe.


240813 space queen
240813 space queen
240813 space queen
240813 space queen

germinated 240618, things are proceeding nicely and, according to the packaging, they should be ready to flower… personally, i think i’m going to give them a couple more weeks before switching the lights. at this point there’s little to lose, and a lot more to gain to let them grow a couple more weeks, and, as they’re already under lights, it’s a trivial matter to switch them when I decide is best, and not natural processes. 😉

a word from an actual “weird” person…

speaking as an actual “weird” person, personally, i think that all the talk i’ve seen, recently, about how republicans are “weird” is offensive, and i think it should stop. 😒

republicans — particularly the MAGA/#drumpf crowd — are repugnant, awful, uncaring, and inhuman, and their thinking (what they do of it) is definitely “strange” and “bizarre”, but they are decidedly NOT “weird”!

i wish people would choose a different word to describe them. 😒

The trick is to not let people know how really weird you are until it is too late for them to back out.

Timothy David Minchin

introducing the new cat. his name is TIMMAH!

… because of the well-known fact that all ginger cats share one brain cell…

yes, Timothy Burch, otherwise known as “TIMMAH!” from South Park, is a ginger. 😉

as all of our cats have been named after musicians or composers (“Charlie” was named after Ray Charles, “George and Ira Gershwin” was obvious, “Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars, The Tookah” was named after David Bowie, and “Frank Zappa” was obvious), “technically”, he is named after Tim Minchinwho is also a ginger. 😉

240811 Timothy "TIMMAH!" David Minchin
240811 Timothy “TIMMAH!” David Minchin
240811 Timothy "TIMMAH!" David Minchin
240811 Timothy “TIMMAH!” David Minchin

tempus fugit

in 1998, when i worked for STLabs, i was the test lead on a brand new product for the Crayola® corporation called “3D Castle Creator”, which was, allegedly, a gadget that lets one create virtual castles, while ostensibly being an “educational tool” that taught all about various aspects and features of castles, in general.

it had A LOT of bugs. i built a model trebuchet that i kept in my cube, and launched tennis balls over the cube walls at my co-workers, to keep them motivated. 😉 i had some really amusing screen shots of various bugs in the video portion of the program, but they all got wiped out in the great cloud drive crack of 2021. 🫤

however, i found a windows-only version of it available on “My Abandon Ware dot com”… 🙄

it probably works, if one has period hardware and operating system…

Requiescat in pacem, Frank Zappa (the cat)

131110 frank zappa kitten
131110 frank zappa kitten
Frank Zappa (the cat) is no more.

he lived a normal cat life up until last saturday, when he stopped eating, which we figured was because of his IBS, from which he has suffered for a few years now. we medicated his IBS, and things seemed to be getting better on monday, but then he quit eating again, and today he developed a fever, so i took him in to the vet, and they discovered a “mass” in his abdomen, which, thanks to exploratory surgery (which i got to watch!!), was determined to be two fairly large cancerous tumours in his small intestine… at which point moe and i decided that it would be better to euthanise him than it would be to wake him up so that WE could “have more time with him”…

240801 the last photo of frank zappa (the cat)
240801 the last photo of frank zappa (the cat)
240705 Frank Zappa (the cat)
240705 Frank Zappa (the cat)
160418 ROTFL-Meow!
160418 ROTFL-Meow!
150523 frank zappa (the cat)'s right front paw
150523 frank zappa (the cat)’s right front paw