idea 😈

so, i’ve had this… idea…

hose clamps
hose clamps

for a long time, i’ve had this fantasy of creating the world’s largest flute. unfortunately, i would need a tunnel-boring machine, or to be able to make use of (for example) the cascade tunnel, which is an approximately 8-mile tunnel from the west to the east side of the cascade mountain range, starting from east of concrete… and it would also mean engaging some pretty enormous air-blowers…

a length of PVC tubing
a length of PVC tubing

not to mention the fact that, loud enough sound at certain sub-audio levels has a tendency to liquefy human tissue, and it’s my impression that sort of sound is exactly what will be produced by “the world’s largest flute”…

HOWEVER i didn’t come by the reputation for being able to make an “obnoxious” noise on pretty much anything by letting other people’s (crap) opinions stop me from making so-called “obnoxious” noises… on pretty much anything!

other good examples are the harmonic flute, which, if you turn it around and put a bass clarinet mouthpiece with a thin piece of plastic made from a credit card for the reed, turns into an instrument i call the “blathorn”, an orchestral-quality popgun, a siren from an old fire truck, and i was given a portable fog-horn a few years ago… than queue, maque! 😉

a pneumatic "super blaster" horn
a pneumatic “super blaster” horn

i’ve got this pneumatic horn that is already REALLY loud… it’s primarily intended to be used as a signal on sailboats… but, if it just were longer…

the PVC tubing is the right size for the horn to fit into, but it is the wrong size to fit into the part that does the “buzzing”, in this case, which is the metal plate at the closed end of the horn.

the way it works is that the plunger forces compressed air through a tube behind a metal plate, which vibrates against the metal housing around the plate, causing the pitch to occur… but because of the fact that it’s highly compressed air and a rather stiff metal plate, the resulting sound is REALLY loud, and, because of the short length of the horn, fairly high…

but if i figure out a way to make the buzzing go into a longer tube…

all i know, at this point, is that it SHOULD BE lower pitch, but just as loud… however, it may be that the metal plate won’t vibrate correctly, or at all, if it is trying to vibrate a larger sound column…


yeah, i’m still here… 😒

the last unicycle class of the session was two sundays ago, and the last neuro-support circus class of the session was last thursday. they’re taking a break before starting a new session (this coming sunday). between those two times, i’ve got literally NOTHING to do except take the trash out on wednesday. 😒

this week is one of the few weeks where i’ve got a “holiday” every day of the week: today (monday, 250217) is the commemoration of the death of Giordano Bruno, in 1600, who was the guy that said “Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.” tomorrow, tuesday 250218 is Fart Out Loud Day, wednesday 250219 is World Pangolin Day, thursday, 250220 is International Pipe Smoking Day, friday, 250221 is the anniversary of the day el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz (Malcolm X) was assassinated, in 1965, saturday, 250222 is World Sword Swallower’s Day, and sunday, 250223 is Robert Anton Wilson Day…

and i am doing only what i want to do until Robert Anton Wilson Day, which, potentially, includes working on the actual painting of timmy, which i have started, but not gotten very far with (and, while it will — hopefully — be a watercolour painting of timmy, it is, very likely, going to look NOTHING like the paint-by-number painting that i did, in spite of the fact that it’s using the same reference photo), and finishing the arrangement of Galizianer Tants, which i have started, but not gotten as far as i would like to have, by now. both of these things are, and continue to be unfinished, because i have been experiencing INTENSE political and social malaise and panic.

and moe is going to chicago in a month, in spite of the fact that #drumpf and Elmo Muskrat have been firing people who control air traffic at the FAA this week (among other atrocities), and a delta airlines flight to toronto crashed this morning — a month after the crash at ronald reagan airport in washington DC — which has only been adding to my already panicked brain. 😒

public service announcement!

on 250203, Le Journal de Montreal had #drumpf on their cover, with the word STUPID(E) below it.

250203 Le Journal de Montreal cover page
250203 Le Journal de Montreal cover page

this inspired me to create a subversive button that i’ve been thinking about creating since the first time he was in office… 😒

so i did.

there is a page of artwork for 1.5″ buttons at


1) download, and print the above linked page (it’s 113MB, so it may take a few minutes)

2) cut them out — i use a special device that is intended to cut precise circles, but you can use scissors or a knife if you’re only making one

3) put the resulting artwork into your handy, dandy, 1.5-inch button press. don’t have one? email me at rev dot deluxe at gmail dot com with your mailing address, and i’ll make one button and mail it to you, totally free of charge.

(if you want more than one button, they’re $1.50 a piece, but if you’re only ordering one, you don’t have to worry about payment.)

VOILÁ! your very own TRUMP SUCKS button! 😈


TRUMP SUCKS button artwork
TRUMP SUCKS button artwork

the dome! 👍👍

at some point i think i might have posted a picture of the dome,

i did. it was here, 15 years ago, and it no longer has the pictures, because i quit flickr. 😒

but my guess is that it got wiped out when i quit flickr, and/or then my flickr archive got wiped out in the cloud-drive crack… so this is the re-posting:

a large 1V geodesic dome. two windows and door are visible. one window has two hindu murtis in it. there is a large wind chime, and a child's bike leaned up against the side.
1991 – the dome

this is the origin of my obsession with domes. i lived in this dome in 1991, according to the title of the graphic, which i just found in some obscure place that i haven’t seen since before my old cloud drive was vandalised, a few years ago, and according to the re-constructed list of when things happened, which i didn’t even have to update when i found the graphic… which, i think, is a good sign that i have at least partially recovered from that vandalism.

the dome was larger on the inside than it was on the outside. on the outside, it looked like a single-floor structure, but on the inside it had three floors. the bottom floor was where ezra lived, and the upper floor was where my bed was, right next to the upper window. the middle level was my living space, and ezra’s ceiling.

when i first moved in, there was one floor, and a bed/shelf along one wall, but the owner said i could build whatever i wanted inside, so i went crazy, and divided up the space in a way that the owner hadn’t even thought of.

you can see the 5-sided building on google maps, but it’s not a geodesic dome any longer… the owner liked the new layout enough that, when i moved out, he expanded the second floor, and added a new roof.

that got me primed… then, when i finally made it to burning man, in 2008, i encountered very many domes of different sizes and constructions, and that got me hooked.