the printer that i originally wanted to do the inside (black & white) pages – troy – can’t do it on schedule because the job is too large – 60,000 impressions, 30,000 finished pieces – and we need it in 2 weeks. the printer that did the colour cover (at a very reasonable price, $700) can do it, but wants $4500, and they will only print it on 100# gloss book with an aqueous coating – read “very shiny, durable, high quality printing” – which is way fancier and heavier-duty than we need, and far outside our budget. kinkos can do it on time, and stay inside our budget, plus do the stuff that we thought we were going to have to do outselves (fold, collate, staple), but it’s kinkos… yeeech!
Daily Archives: Thursday, 20070301
and there was much rejoicing…
but the schedule is already wrong… in fact they sent me two updates since it has been finished… but that’s why they say “schedule is subject to change without notice”.
and the printing hasn’t actually been done yet… or approved yet… or estimated on yet… but i’m confident that i can come up with an estimate that will be more than reasonable, and at this point, if they don’t approve it, they’re screwed… but once that is realised, there’s a good chance that we will have completed programs in time for opening night!