fan fucking tastic… 8/

linux box is down. fortunately, i can switch to mac fairly easily, and the /home directory is on a separate disk from the main operating system, but i really don’t want to fight the battle of the computer again so soon after the last time. i’m a fair amount more prepared for it than the last time, but it’s still irritating as hell.

in other news, snake suspenderz played a gig at smokin’ pete’s barbecue this evening, which went well. tomorrow is my first day without a performance or a rehearsal in more than a week. i’m a busy musician during the moisture festival. two more weeks to go.

i hate spam! part 75

somebody registered on my blog today, something that isn’t necessary to comment. it was from someone who has never commented, i don’t know them, they registered a username that was unpronounceable, and the TLD of the email address was in russia.

needless to say, i deleted them. i don’t know about other wordpress users, but i get the impression that you’d have to be pretty dense, or not paying the slightest bit of attention, to NOT notice that this was created with the intension of abusing the services for which i pay for and for which i am responsible. 😛