domain names registered in the Cook Islands end with a “.ck”, according to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. the following “Community of Interest” suffixes are available for domain names registered in the Cook Islands:
"" is used for business organisations. Companies must register their corporate name or trading name, or some form of abbreviation. For example, Telecom Cook Islands Ltd. has registered "" as their domain name.
it makes me wonder how they would feel about me registering “” or something along those lines…
Benoit Mandelbrot, Mathematician, Dies at 85
no story about how i met him once, because i didn’t. but you know who he was anyway:
The Mandelbrot Monk is an article about the fictional monk Udo of Aachen who did not discover the mandelbrot set 700 years earlier. isn’t internet wonderful? 😐
the enlightened rantings of a brain damaged freak