the current suggestion is that i:
contact the packagers and ask them to include 2.4 in lucid, there’s been other posters with the same issue with 2.4 not available so there’d be support for this from others.
who are “the packagers” for amarok 2.4, and
how do i write to them and ask them in a way that will actually get them to do it?
if this actually succeeds in getting me in contact with “the packagers”, i will be shocked. 😐
magick is feeling a little better, and she had an ultrasound, which didn’t reveal any large masses, or bleeding into her abdomen, which is good. they still don’t know what’s wrong with her, but the possibilities include HGE, cancer or an ulcer. at this point, they’re going with ulcer and she’s scheduled for more tests with an internal medicine specialist tomorrow.
magick survived the night, and was actually looking a little bit perkier than she did last night… when she looked totally pathetic (and she was).
moe says it could be a flare-up of a condition that she had – and survived thanks to moe’s heroic intervention – in 2005, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis or HGE. if it is HGE, despite the fact that they still don’t know what causes it, apparently there are newer drugs that they didn’t have in 2005 which are more effective at staving off the effects. of course, if it’s not HGE, then it could be cancer, or any one of a number of other things, which generally have more fatal effects than HGE.
we’ll know more after magick has an untrasound, which is scheduled for this morning.
she’s home, but she doesn’t feel well, and she’s confined, with an IV catheter. she hasn’t vomitted, which is a good sign, but we still don’t know what’s wrong. she’s having an array of tests tomorrow. moe said it could be a number of things ranging from tragic but survivable (and magick has survived such things a number of times in the past) to fatal…
the enlightened rantings of a brain damaged freak