NASA Scientist Claims Evidence of Alien Life on Meteorite – but at the same time, how much do you want to believe FAUX News, especially considering their reputation these days?
Mass. company making diesel with sun, water, CO2 – what do you bet this is the last time we’re going to hear about these guys?
How We Train Our Cops to Fear Islam – these guys that teach anti-terrorism workshops to cops are the primary reason there are so many innocent people who get worked over by the cops because they have the wrong colour skin or act strangely.
Wisconsin Legislators respond to prank call by making it illegal – um… it’s a little too late for that, isn’t it?
Seattle farmers market features medical marijuana – one step closer to the inevitable point when our Holy Vegetable can be Sacrificed proudly in public.
Putting Homeopathy Into Perspective – any sufficiently advanced (or inadequately explained) technology is indistinguishable from magic… it doesn’t make me any less skeptical, however.