another week closer to the eschaton…

Germany set to abandon nuclear power for good – good for them! hopefully they’ll set an example that other people will want to emulate… although i doubt it… 😐

Obama: War is peaceKucinich Wants to Impeach Obama For Libyan Strike – and well he should. US lawmaker targets Libya strike funding – tell me again why we didn’t vote this guy into office in 2008… A Set-Up? – remember vietnam?

meanwhile, Libya: Six injured as US team botches rescue of downed airmen – there should be a rule that you don’t get to start a war unless you know the difference between enemies and… what are those other people called? … friends… that’s it… 😐 no, scratch that… there should just be a rule that you don’t get to start a war. period.

and, in other news, Nobel Committee asked to strip Obama of Peace Prize – they won’t do it, of course, but it’s nice of them to consider it… “Obama has now fired more cruise missiles than all other Nobel Peace prize winners combined.”

and, while we’re at it, Oil Will Be Gone in 50 Years – so whatever we’re doing in libya won’t make any difference anyway…

Alaska Airlines Apologizes for Jewish Prayer Mix-Up – these guys were jews, not muslims… and while i can understand the confusion of most of white-bread “christian” passengers and their ignorance of such things, the airline employees should know that their tefilin are not esoteric weapons of mass distruction… 😐 along with that is Southwest Airlines Apologizes to Muslim Passenger – they haven’t caught any real terrorists, but they have caught three conventional jews and an innocent mother…

Steven Seagal, Sheriff Raid Valley Home In Tank – the accused had his house destroyed, because the sheriff suspected him of running cockfights… he was alone, and unarmed, and… steven seagal?!? don’t the police have better things to do?

and, along the same lines, Sheriff Schieferdecker Apologizes to "Little Fag Jew Boys" – instead of going after real terrorists, this local sherrif clown is sexually harrassing his subordinates in public, on facebook…

Shipwreck threatens penguin colony on South Atlantic island – will it ever end? answer: probably not, unless something dramatic happens.

Why Is Microsoft Seeking New State Laws That Allow it to Sue Competitors For Piracy by Overseas Suppliers? – so that they will have even more of an unfair advantage in the commercial market, of course. why else? this is one of the main reasons why i gave up micro$awft products over 10 years ago. pfui… who needs ’em?

at the same time, Microsoft: "Mystery bug" blocks Syrian secure Hotmailsuuuuuure it does… nudge, nudge, wink, wink…

oh, and by the way, Study Shows That Piracy Has Not Resulted In A Decrease Of Quality New Music – in spite of what the RIAA wants you to believe.

Pee Power Offers Green Energy Alternative – interesting… and it gives me the opportunity to post the words “pee power” in my blog… 👿

Time to turn on the tardis – light sabres DO. NOT. EXIST!!