Snake Suspenderz – Even Your Best Friends Won’t Tell You Snake Suspenderz – Naughty Monkey Snake Suspenderz – Misery Loves Company Snake Suspenderz – Say Hello To Mr. Snake sketch, the drummer for snake suspenderz, died in april of 2019, shortly after the moisture festival, which put an abrupt end to our performances as a … Continue reading the end of an era… →
so, we went to wilsonville, yesterday, to play for a bunch of shriners. rather predictably, we ROCKED THE HOUSE, which, also rather predictably, resulted in the entire band being, essentially, offered membership in the shriners club. from what i’ve been able to ascertain from external sources (google), it normally takes an "average" male person about … Continue reading shriners →
it’s been on my schedule for 6 months or more, but now that i actually know where this gig that we have this weekend (yes, we’ve actually got a gig on valentine’s day) is, i feel a bit more comfortable writing about it… about… what? six months ago? something like that… anyway, about six months … Continue reading now that i actually know where it’s going to be… →
okay, i had three gigs in three days with three different… well… iterations of the same band: Accidental Rhino is howlin’ hobbit and two or more other musicians, of which i am, frequently, one. i took monday off (to get caught up with laundry and dishes), and then today i had a rehearsal, tomorrow i’ve … Continue reading whooee… 8P →
moe has gone to southern oregon for the national sheep-dog handling finals — yes, we have not one, but two championship-quality dogs in this house, thanks, in part, to moe, who is the dog-whisperer to dog-whisperers… 😎 (and that guy who is “The Dog Whisperer” really doesn’t know what he’s talking about most of the … Continue reading okay →
the enlightened rantings of a brain damaged freak