i have pretty much decided that, instead of figuring out a wash to make the painting more orange, and less pink (without spoiling the painting entirely, which is a DISTINCT possibility), i’m just going to leave the finished painting the way it is, and create a new painting, with a CORRECT palette. it will take more time, but it will end up with me having a painting i actually like, will leave the first painting untouched and unharmed, and it will give me something to do for a few weeks that ISN’T frowsting on the intar-toobs, which will probably be greatly beneficial to my mental health.
Category Archives: painting
the painting and the hike
since our trip to double bluff went so poorly, last year, we went to campbell this year, and successfully hiked about 5 miles without seeing another person… until we got outside the gate on the way back, at which point we saw what we could only guess was a keg party or something like that — five cars, one of which was definitely NOT going to make it all the way to the campbell gate (because the road is so pot-holed) inhabited by several girls in party clothes, and two guys on motorcycles (which are banned inside campbell), one of whom had what looked like a couple cases of beer strapped to his luggage rack… 🤷
as a xmas gift, moe and i were given paint-by-numbers sets based on a photograph of a pet that we sent in, in november. moe’s was a black-and-white photo of magick, which moe finished yesterday, and it looks like it was a professionally done painting. mine was a photo of timmy, sitting on one of his little shelves in the bedroom. we started the paintings on the 13th, and i finished mine last night, at ten minutes before midnight.
it’s really interesting to paint stuff again… i used to paint a lot, when i was in my 30s, and i still have a lot of sort-of “professional” painting equipment: an adjustable easel, a huge collection of paint brushes and palette knives, a couple mahlsticks, and even a bunch of blank, stretched canvasses, in the garage. i found out, today, as i was searching for a colour to make a wash, that all of my watercolour paints have dried up (which is no great surprise), so i’m probably going to have to scout out a new art supplies store, since the ones i used when i was in my 30s no longer exist.