i’m taking the incense part of Hybrid Elephant to the Fremont Sunday Market this sunday, which means that i’ve been putting everything into reasonably easy to move containers (15 of them), double-checking my inventory and printing out retail price labels – which lead me to the discovery that i’m down to my last ream of printer paper, and i’ve got to get more soon. i bought a calculator with a print function, and now i have to figure out how to make it print, and program it with the proper numbers so that it will automatically add the correct amount of sales tax. that’s one advantage to doing business over internet that selling locally won’t have: most of my customers are out-of-state, so i don’t have to worry about adding state sales tax.
meanwhile, today is the first fremont philharmonic rehearsal. supposedly we’ve got a gig on the 21st, and we also have to start rehearsing for the moisture festival.