The Illusion Of Money – this goes along nicely with my rant and Robert Anton Wilson’s rant about money and wage-slavery, although it doesn’t quite go all the way…
The United States of America Violates International Bioweapons Treaty – pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…
More troops lost to suicide than lost to combat in Iraq and Afghanistan – this should be a blatant indication that something isn’t right… but NO… 😐
Blood Tests Show Chemicals In Gulf Citizens Blood, US Gov Lied About Gulf Seafood and Only 47% Of Working Age Americans Have Full Time Jobs and We Need To Stop This Culture Before It Kills The Planet – it’s too bad that nobody is going to realise that this stuff is going on until it is too late… oh well, it was nice knowing you…
and, just in case you think that environmental disasters are limited to the western hemisphere, NGOs, Shell lock horns over Nigerian oil spills – 3000 oil spills since 2006, and at least 70% of them caused by sabotage… we need to have that kind of environmental activism around here…
The House GOP’s Plan to Redefine Rape – now that they’re back in control, one of the first things they do is make it so that saying “no” isn’t enough… first with sex, then with more personal stuff… 😐
Man fought the law and the law man won and Americans Are Just As Likely to Get Struck By Lightning As To Be Killed By Terrorists – TSA = Security Theatre, plain and simple.
Color-coded threat system to be replaced in April – i didn’t realise that the colour-coded system had been in place for 9 years, but it hasn’t changed one time in that 9 years: the colour has always been orange – so if they’re replacing the colour-coded system, will they replace it with something else that’s meaningless and won’t change? 😐
US can’t link Julian Assange to Bradley Manning – the case against both of them is fading fast, and the US is struggling to cover its own ass… but what happens when it’s proved that the emperor has no clothes?
Obama Criticizes Internet Kill Switch In Egypt While His Own Administration Tries – AGAIN – To Ram It Through In America – “The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed,
for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies, but would be ashamed to tell big lies” — Adolph Hitler
Obama may get power to shut down Internet without court oversight – guess what? it’s ba-aa-ack! 😐 and if we’re not very, very careful, we could be the next egypt… 😡
not only that, but Justice Department seeks to have all web surfing tracked – time to download Tor, start thinking about building an alternative and abandoning internet…
Google Comes Under Fire for ‘Secret’ Relationship with NSA – DON’T! BE! EVIL!! 😡
Physical Characteristics of Hell – does it exist? can you prove it? is there some non-biblical source of information that you can use to convince me that hell even exists?? then don’t start talking about the “physical characteristics” of something that doesn’t even exist… okay? there’s a reason they don’t compare apples and oranges… geez… 😡